ECO in Chess

ECO ( or Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings) is a classification of chess openings moves.The moves were taken from hundreds of thousands of games between masters, from published analysis in the Chess informant since 1966.
Instead of the traditional names for the openings, ECO has developed a unique coding system that has also been adopted by other chess publications. There are five main categories, "A" to "E", each of which is divided into one hundred sub-categories.
ECO code is a trademark of Chess Informant Inc.

Category A contains the openings which are considered as flank openings( i.e the attack using the minor pieces rather than the pawns such as in the e4 or d4 openings).
they also include the unusual openings which are denoted by A00.


There are a few general principles which can be applied to the openings. Pieces are at their most powerful in the centre of the board, and from this a number of opening principles can be derived:
(1) Develop your pieces quickly to control central squares.

(2) Do not make too many pawn moves in the opening because the enemy will gain control of the centre with his pieces.

(3) Develop the minor pieces (knights and bishops) first. It is normal to develop the knights before the bishops because the knight is weak at the edge of the board and exerts much more influence in the centre.

(4) Do not bring the queen out too early; the queen is a very valuable piece and if attacked by enemy minor pieces will normally have to retreat.

(5) Castle early; this brings the king into safety and also helps the development of the rooks.Rooks are most powerful when coupled i.e when they support each other.

(6) Try not to move the same piece too many times in the opening, instead try to develop each piece by moving it once only.

BEST POSITION IN THE OPENING ( :D :D  if your opponent dosen't move :D :D)

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Game of the day #2

Game of the day #1

Viswanathan Anand vs Veselin Topalov (2006)

Scholar's Mate

Scholar's Mate is the checkmate achieved by the moves:

1.  e4  e5

2. Qh5 Nc6

3. Bc4 Nf6

4. Qxf7#

** The moves might vary, but, mate similar to this can be considered to be scholar's mate.

Image courtesy: Wikipedia

Fool's Mate

Fools mate is the quickest possible checkmate that can occur in chess. Fools mate only occurs when a player plays very weakly. The moves that occur are

1.f3 e5

2.g4 Qh4#

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